Sunday, January 17, 2010


POS Monthly Show (17 January 2010)

Our January Show
as usual has been well supported by our members. A total of 159 plants were entered for judging. Our veteran orchid grower Mr Chan Chee Meng again brought in the Best Plant of the Show, a Dendrobium farmari with 5 spikes in perfect bloom.
The above photographs show our President Dato Dr Majumdar with the judges and Mr Chan Chee Meng with the Best Plant.

A total of 25 classes were opened and
most of the sections were well represented. The Vanda and the Phalaenopsis cornu cervi & hybrids sections have to be closed as there were less than 5 plants in those sections.

Monday, January 11, 2010

December Monthly Show

Monthly Orchid Show
20th December 2009

As usual our December show was again well supported by our members. A total of 157 show quality plants were registered and judged by our panel of Judges . The best plant of the show was Cstm Susan Fuch entered by Mr Chan Chee Meng.

The next monthly show will be held on the 17 January 2010. In view of the good responds from our members, the Committe has agreed to add another pize of RM20 for the Best Plant runner up.

For more photographs please go to: