Sunday, January 17, 2010


POS Monthly Show (17 January 2010)

Our January Show
as usual has been well supported by our members. A total of 159 plants were entered for judging. Our veteran orchid grower Mr Chan Chee Meng again brought in the Best Plant of the Show, a Dendrobium farmari with 5 spikes in perfect bloom.
The above photographs show our President Dato Dr Majumdar with the judges and Mr Chan Chee Meng with the Best Plant.

A total of 25 classes were opened and
most of the sections were well represented. The Vanda and the Phalaenopsis cornu cervi & hybrids sections have to be closed as there were less than 5 plants in those sections.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation Robert, you have post more photos for Jan, 2010 show, hope you could include the plants name as this will help beginner to learn more on orchids.
