Saturday, September 5, 2009

Monthly Orchid Shows

Monthly Orchid Shows

Our new committee has planned for monthly shows to be held on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 9.30a.m to 3p.m at the vacant lot between Parkson Parade and MBI (beside the 500Y shop) See map
Registration of plants will be from 9.30a.m to 11a.m.

There will be 20 classes with prizes as follow:

1st RM12
2nd RM 8
3rd RM 5

Best Plant RM20

Classes are as follow:

Dendrobium 2
Vanda 2
Cattelya 3

Phalaenopsis 6
Oncidium 2

Asco 2

Paphio 1

Renanthera/hybrid 1
Doritis 1

Paraphalaenopsis 1

Aerides, Rhy, & Hybrids 1

Bulbophyllum 1

Total 23

Note: 1) Section will be closed if there are less than 5 plants entered
2) Plants without names will be disqualified

Members can bring their orchid plants for sale during the show. All sales will be subject to a deduction of 15% proceeds of which will go to the Society.

Please email us at if you have any questions, comments or suggestions to make. We also give free advice as to how to grow your orchids for show. If you have any articles or photographs relating to orchids which you would like to have it posted, pleased email it to us for our consideration.


(Sheet 1)
CLASS PRIZE Registration No. / Plant Name Name of Exhibitor

CLASS 1 1st V. Hilo Rose x Dr. Anek CHAN KIN
Vanda (Red) 2nd V. Kasem Delight x Lenawat CHIA CHUN TUCK

3rd V. Robert Delight 'Red' CHIA CHUN TUCK

CLASS 2 1st V. coerulea x Gordon Dillion (Best Plant)
Vanda (Blue) 2nd V. Panchara Delight CHIA CHUN TUCK

3rd V. Bitz's Heartthrob x Kasem Delight CHAN KIN

CLASS 3 1st Golden Rod x lasianthera CHAN CHEE MENG
Dendrobium 2nd Penang Little Magic x Port Dickson CHAN CHEE MENG
(Horn) 3rd Penang Little Magic x Seah Ko-ko CHAN CHEE MENG

3rd Black Spider x Alice Noda-Seah Koko LEONG KENG HOOI

CLASS 4 1st Den. chrysotoxum NG LEE SIN
Dendrobium 2nd Den. spectabile NG LEE SIN
(Species) 3rd Den.macrophllum CHIA CHUN TUCK

CLASS 5 1st unknown 'pink' LIEW CHEE SENG
Dendrobium 2nd Thai Candy LIEW CHEE SENG
(round) 3rd Thai Candy CHAN YEEN TOH

CLASS 6 1st Udom 'Yellow' x Yellow Nugget CHIA CHUN TUCK
Dendrobium 2nd Genting CHIA CHUN TUCK
(intermediate) 3rd Udom 'Yellow' x Yellow Nugget CHIA CHUN TUCK

CLASS 7 1st Suksamran Sunlight CHIA CHUN TUCK
Ascocentrum 2nd Suksamran Sunlight CHIA CHUN TUCK

3rd Bangkhuntian Gold x miniatum LEE MOK SANG

CLASS 8 1st Vasco. Prapawan CHAN CHEE MENG
Aerides, Rhynchostylis 2nd Vasco. Nong Khan x Five Friendship CHAN KIN
& hybrids 3rd Aer. Lawrenciae x Ascda.Arthon CHAN KIN

CLASS 9 1st serpentilingua x laycockii CHAN CHEE MENG
Paraphalaenopsis 2nd Norita Dolera x Ascda Fuch Sunset x Fuch Gold CHAN KIN


CLASS 10 1st saint swithin LEE MOK SANG
Paphiopedilum & 2nd saint swithin LEE MOK SANG
hybrids 3rd saint swithin CHIA CHUN TUCK

CLASS 11 1st Dor. pulcherrima 'champonesis' LEONG KENG HOOI
Doritis & hybrids 2nd Dtps. Purple Gem 'alba' CHAN KIN

3rd Dor. Pulcherrima 'champonisis' CHAN KIN


(Sheet 2)
CLASS PRIZE Registration No. / Plant Name Name of Exhibitor

CLASS 12 1st Deluxe Pink CHIA CHUN TUCK
Psychopsis & 2nd Psp. Mendenhall CHAN CHEE MENG
Tolumnia 3rd Psp. Mendenhall CHOW SEK MENG

CLASS 13 1st Onc. Millennium Gold CHOW SEK MENG
Oncidium - goldiana 2nd Brs. Data Costa LIEW CHEE SENG
leaf 3rd Onc. Golden Anniversary LEE MOK SANG

CLASS 14 1st Maureen-haematochilum x Josephine) CHOW SEK MENG
Oncidium - Trichocentrum 2nd Maureen-haematochilum x Josephine) CHOW SEK MENG
(mule leaf) 3rd haematochilum x luridium ANNIE ARUL

CLASS 15 1st B. Little Star JOHNNY LOH
Cattleya alliance 2nd Bnts. Yellow Bird CHIA CHUN TUCK

3rd Yellow Bird x Little Star JOHNNY LOH

CLASS 16 1st Thw. Thi-ti CHAN KUEN FATT
Cattleya (yellow) 2nd Lc. Destiny x Kauai Starbright ROBERT ANG
intermediate 3rd Rsc. Husky Boy MADAM CHEE

CLASS 17 1st Bct. Roman Holidays CHAN CHEE MENG
Cattleya (red) 2nd Flower Girl FOONG SEONG SOH
intermediate 3rd Gsl. Netrasiri Darkprince MADAM SOH

CLASS 18 1st Rsc. Mem. Helen Brown CHAN KUEN FATT
Cattleya (large) 2nd Rsc. Chinese Beauty CHAN KUEN FATT

3rd Rsc. King of Taiwan CHAN KUEN FATT

CLASS 19 1st Phal. Gigantea CHAN CHEE MENG
Phalaenopsis - 2nd Phal. Ipoh Treasure LIEW CHEE SENG
Novelty (R/B) 3rd Phal. Amboinensis x bellina LEONG KENG HOOI

CLASS 20 1st Phal. cornu-cervi 'alba' CHIA CHUN TUCK
Phalaenopsis - 2nd Phal. Penang Jewel x micholitzii CHAN KUEN FATT
Novelty (Y/W) 3rd Phal. cornu-cervi 'alba' ROBERT ANG

CLASS 21 1st Prince Akhito CHAN CHEE MENG
Renanthera hybrids / 2nd Ren. Kalsom CHAN KIN
Mokara 3rd Ren. Kalsom CHOW SEK MENG

3rd unknown Chong Chee Keong

CLASS 22 1st Bulbo. curtiss 'Red' FOONG SEONG SOH
species 2nd Rodriguezia secunda ANNIE ARUL

3rd Bulbo. enchinolabium LIEW CHEE SENG

R - red Y - yellow
B - brown W - white


(Sheet 3)
CLASS PRIZE Registration No. / Plant Name Name of Exhibitor

CLASS 23 1st Ctsm. Piletum x CHAN KIN
Any Other 2nd Ctsm. Lenebrosum x CHIA CHUN TUCK

3rd Spc. aurea x plicata JOHNNY LOH

Next monthly show will be on the 27 September 2009 at the same venue. So please bring as many plants as possible.

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