Date: 21st November to 29 November 2009
Section 1 Aerides, Rhynchostylis & Their Hybrids
Class 1 Aerides & Rhynchostylis species and hybrids with flower width 3.5cm and below
Class 2 Aerides & Rhynchostylis species and hybrids with flower width above 3.5cm.
Section 2 Arachnis & Allied Hybrids
Class 3 Aranda - Blue Colour
Class 4 Mokara - Flower width 6cm and below
Class 5 Mokara - Flower width above 6cm
(This section does not include Renanthera as one of the genera)
Section 3 Ascocentrum & Ascocenda
Class 6 Ascocenda with flower width 4.5cm and below - Orange/Yellow colour
Class 7 Ascocenda with flower width 4.5cm and below - Any Other Colours
Class 8 Ascocenda with flower width above 4.5cm but less than 7cm - Orange/Yellow
Class 9 Ascocenda with flower width above 4.5cm but less than 7cm - Any Other Colours
(Ascocenda with flower width above 7.5cm will be classified in Section 12 - Vanda)
Section 4 Bulbophyllum
Class 10 Bulbophyllum species and hybrids
Section 5 Catasetum/Clowesia/Cycnoches species and hybrids
Class 11 Catasetum/Clowesia/Cycnoches species and hybrids
Section 6 Cattleya and Allied
Class 12 Cattleya & Allied with flower width 10cm and above - White/White Bicolour
Class 13 Cattleya & Allied with flower width 10cm and above - Mauve/Purple Colour
Class 14 Cattleya & Allied with flower width 10cm and above - Any Other Colours
Class 15 Cattleya & Allied with flower width between 7cm and 10cm - Mauve/Purple Colour
Class 16 Cattleya & Allied with flower width between 7cm and 10cm - Any Other Colours
Class 17 Cattleya & Allied with flower width 7cm and below
Section 7 Dendrobium
Class 18 Dendrobium - curly type(ceratobium)
Class 19 Dendrobium - intermediate type
Class 20 Dendrobium - round type ( ratio of petal width to petal length greater than 75%)
Class 21 Dendrobium - miniature type
Class 22 Dendrobium - any other types (cluster, pendulous, nobile, etc.)
Class 23 Dendrobium species
Note: miniature Dendrobiums are deemed to include those with a predominant influence of Den.
bigibbum, carronnii, canaliculatum, dicuphum or johannis in the plant and for which the height of
the plant does not exceed 50 cm.
Section 8 Doritis, Doritaenopsis & Phalaenopsis
Class 24 Doritis species
Class 25 Phalaenopsis / Doritaenopsis multiflora - pink / magenta with or without marking
Class 26 Phalaenopsis / Doritaenopsis multiflora - any other colour
Class 27 Phalaenopsis / Doritaenopsis - white / white with coloured lip
Class 28 Phalaenopsis / Doritaenopsis - pink / magenta without marking
Class 29 Phalaenopsis / Doritaenopsis - pink / magenta with marking (spots/bars/stripes/blush)
Class 30 Phalaenopsis / Doritaenopsis - any other colour with or without marking
Class 31 Phalaenopsis - novelty type - violacea / bellina / Samera
Class 32 Phalaenopsis - novelty type - cornu-cervi / cornu-cervi strain
Class 33 Phalaenopsis - novelty type - any other species
Class 34 Phalaenopsis - novelty type hybrids - yellow/orange/greenish-yellow strain
Class 35 Phalaenopsis - novelty type hybrids - red strain
NOTE: Multiflora classes in Phalaenopsis and Doritaenopsis Hybrids are defined as maximum
7.5cm natural spread flowers on multibranched inflorescences (minimum 2 side sprays)
Section 9 Epidendrum & Encyclia - species and hybrids
Class 36 Epidendrum & Encyclia species and hybrids
Section 10 Oncidium & Allied
Class 37 Oncidium and allied hybrids : intergeneric combinations of oncidium with one or
more of the other genera, e.g. Aliceara, Brassidium, Colmanara, Rodricidium, etc.
Class 38 Oncidium - goldiana leaf type
Class 39 Oncidium - mule ear/pencil leaf type (Trichocentrum & Psychopsis)
Class 40 Oncidium - equitant type (Tolumnia)
Section 11 Paphiopedilum
Class 41 Paphiopedilum species and hybrids
Section 12 Paraphalaenopsis
Class 42 Paraphalaenopsis species and hybrids
Class 43 Paraphalaenopsis Intergeneric hybrids with strains of Aerides, Arachnis, Ascocenda,
Ascocentrum, Doritis, Phalaenopsis, Renanthera, Rhynchostylis, Vanda etc.
Section 13 Renanthera & Allied Hybrids
Class 44 Renanthera species and its hybrids
Class 45 Renanthera integeneric hybrids
Section 14 Vanda
Class 46 Vanda - terete leaf type (includes Ascocenda terete)
Class 47 Vanda - strap leaf type - blue colour
Class 48 Vanda - strap leaf type - any other colour
Section 15 Any others for which no class is provided
Class 49 Any other species - terrestrial
Class 50 Any other species - epiphytic
Class 51 Any other hybrids
Section 16 Orchids For Home / Office Display
Class 52 Single plant presentation
Class 53 Two or more plants presentation
NOTE: i. usage of other plants with flowers is strictly prohibited
ii. Flowering orchid plants must be the main component of the exhibit.
iii. ENTRIES WILL BE JUDGED ON : A. Practicability
B. Presentation
C. Overall Display
D. Aesthetic Appeal
NOTE : 1. Aerides & Rhynchostylis hybrids should not include Renanthera and / or
Paraphalaenopsis as one of the genera.
2. Arachnis hybrids should not include Renanthera, Aerides, Rhynchostylis and
Paraphalaenopsis as one of the genera.
3. All intergeneric hybrids of Renanthera with Paraphalaenopsis should be classified
under section 10 - Paraphalaenopsis and its allied hybrids
4. All other hybrids that has Renanthera as one of the genera should be classified
under section 11 Renanthera & its allied hybrids.
5. The Organising Committee reserve the right to:-
a. close any class/classes with less than 5 entries
b. close any class/classes and replace with new class/classes when
deemed necessary or
c. introduce any class/classes when deemed necessary
Schedule of Prizes
First in each class RM 80.00
Second in each class RM 60.00
Third in each class RM 40.00
Best Plant RM 500.00
Reserved Best Plant RM 300.00
All our members are advised to show our reciprocal support to them to ensure that this show will be a success.
Any euquiries please email us at perakorchidsoc@yahoo.com
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